Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Cyber Scare

This morning I went to take pictures at a local school. They were having "Cyber Day" where local college representatives had been invited to come speak to the kids about cyberspace. Kids ranged from 2nd grade to 8th grade.

It started off well, the principal noted that some kids parents had paid a small fortune for her son to be principal for the day, so she was "handing things over to him" for the day. And with that she handed him a blank clip board.

Then, some folks from BPCC stood up and started telling these kids that there are no secrets anymore. Anything they say or write can be picked up with computers... that people can come behind them and scan their desks to see what they've been writing. I understand the need to protect yourself, but this whole "Big Brother is Watching You" thing to scare the kids was not done well.

This was followed up by telling them about Second Life. A web space where they can create their own avatars and make themselves look like they want to... where they can create their own lands and get rid of people they don't like. Again, do second graders need to get in on this?

Then the speaker asked if anyone was scared of this. Nearly all the teachers and a hand full of kids raised their hands. She told them there was nothing to be afraid of. I was scared.

Then, to change the tempo they started shooting puppets with laser beams and mirrors.

If my kids were there (if I had kids)I don't think I would have been very pleased with them viewing that horrible presentation.

1 comment:

Kacie Face said...

Good ole BPCC. Was anyone repin' centenary???

:) yay! new blog!